It is with a heavy heart we inform you that we lost a beloved member of the WMBR family. Mateo Williams passed away on June 19, 2021 due to complications from a rare form of throat cancer. He was 28 years old.
This week, WMBR DJ’s will be airing programs in memory of, and in tribute to Mateo. Please see our Special Events Calendar for the dates and times of these shows honoring Mateo.
Mateo was a DJ on the Late Risers Club from 2012-2016 (and the Cosmic Hearse, the Rude Show, and Better Off Dead). Mateo graduated from MIT in 2015 and was presently completing his PhD at Columbia University, studying Chemical Engineering. Mateo was applying physics, electrochemistry, and materials science to research concerning renewable energy production, storage, and sustainable development. He leaves behind his mother Penelope and his brothers Lucas and Marcos.
Mateo’s unreal amounts of passion and energy ran through everything he touched. He was a scholar, a punk, a musician, an activist, a devoted friend, and loving family member. He excelled in everything he touched, yet would never say no to a good party or a chance to be up to no good. We will miss him greatly.
A Gofundme has been set up to help his family with funeral expenses.

By Na Tue Jun 29th 2021 at 3:44 pm
And a loving supportive father
By Joe Wed Jun 30th 2021 at 9:20 am
So very sad. I loved Mateo’s Late Risers Club Shows. Many morning smiles!! He exposed me to so many new groups that I would not have otherwise known.
By Carol Wed Jun 30th 2021 at 2:02 pm
Rest in peace and power, Mateo. We’ve lost a bright and beautiful light in this world.
By Julie Steinhilber Wed Jun 30th 2021 at 5:11 pm
Mateo was one of a kind. Enjoyed his shows, along with the memorable DJ evening with Joanie at the Greek American Club in Somerville. He will be missed.
By Alex Thu Jul 1st 2021 at 8:42 am
Taken too soon. You made a difference and kept us on our toes.
By Ben Quahog Thu Jul 1st 2021 at 11:19 pm
Mateo was a smart and caring man, a certifiably rad dude, and an awesome DJ. Wish I got to know him better.
By Tony Mazzola Sun Jul 4th 2021 at 12:24 pm
I heard Mateo through the LRC show and various guest deejaying he would do. Played foreign language Punk, Rock n Roll etc. which peaked my interest and prompted me calling into the station since we seemed to have similar music and political interests. We met at one of the WMBR events (Greek American Club-thank you Joanie) and became fast friends-even met his mom. Over time we’d run into each other at shows but the radio was where we would communicate by phone or text. Great memories of a smart kid who left the planet way to soon.
By NoJustice NoPeac Tue Jul 6th 2021 at 8:25 pm
Oh no! I loved Mateo’s show. Very sad he has been taken from us so young (and that MBR is once again in mourning). I really digged the listening. I’m stunned to see he has passed so young. Sending love to the whole WMBR family, and to Mateo Williams’s family and friends. Such a delightful, curious, energetic, music-loving soul. May you find comfort in fond memories. -a fan